The most recognized song in the English language is “Happy
Birthday” according to the 1998 Guinness Book of World Records. Patty and
Mildred Hill of Louisville Kentucky created the melody of this song. The words
were originally “Good morning to you,” but evolved into “Happy Birthday” to
celebrate birthdays.
There have been many birthday songs over the years. Who can
forget Marilyn Monroe singing to John F. Kennedy in 1962? In my house, we like
to play the Beatles song “Birthday” written by Lennon & McCartney. More
recently, restaurants have come up with their own versions due to copyright
violations of the original “Happy Birthday” song.
When we think of birthdays, we think of fun events. We think
of family dinners, presents, and parties. However, when it comes to taxes,
birthdays have another special meaning. These tax birthdays can offer special
benefits, or perhaps penalties.
It is important that you plan for these milestones so you
can take advantage of any situation made available to you. To help you do so,
we have compiled this helpful list.
Age 50
for catch-up contributions to retirement plans
Age 55
Allows retirement plan
distributions for terminated employees without the 10% penalty
Age 59 ½
Allows taxpayers to take distributions from an IRA,
annuity, or other retirement plan without a penalty
Age 60 (if widowed)
Allows for the start of
widow/widower benefits from Social Security
Age 62
Allows for starting early Social Security Benefits
Age 65
Allows for enrollment in Medicare
Age 65-57
Allows for full retirement benefits from Social Security
(age dependent on birthday)
Age 70 ½
Required minimum distributions
must be made from retirement accounts (except for Roth IRA) or there is a 50%
Lets discuss more specifics on these ages:
Age 50: If you are age 50 or older as of the end of
the year, you can make an additional catch-up contribution to your 401(k) plan
(up to $5,500 for 2014), and Section 403(b) tax deferred annuity plan (up to
$5,500 for 2014). To do this you must first check to see that your plan permits
catch-up contributions. You can also make an additional catch-up contribution
(up to $1,000) to a traditional IRA or Roth IRA.
Age 55: If you permanently leave your job for any
reason after you turn age 55, you can receive distributions from your former
employer’s qualified retirement plans without being socked with a 10% premature
withdrawal penalty tax. This is an exception to the general rule that
distributions received before age 59 ½ are hit with a 10% penalty.
Age 59½: You
can receive distributions from all types of tax-favored retirement plans and
accounts (IRAs, 401(k)s, pensions, and the like) and from tax-deferred
annuities without being socked with the 10% premature withdrawal tax.
Age 62: You can start receiving early Social Security
benefits. You should consider consulting a professional for more specific
information. Please beware: Depending on your income from other sources, up to
85% of your Social Security benefits may be taxed.
Age 70½: You generally must
begin taking annual Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) from your tax-favored
retirement accounts (traditional IRAs, SEP accounts, 401(k) accounts, and the
like). (However, you do not need to take any RMD from your Roth IRA.) You must
calculate your minimum distribution and if you do not take out the minimum
distribution, the difference between what you should have taken out and what
you actually took out is usually subject to a 50% penalty!

However, you can postpone taking your first RMD until as late as April 1st
of the following year. If you chose that option, however, you must take two
RMDs in that following year (one by April 1st, which is for the
previous year) plus another by Dec. 31st (which is the one for the
current year). Beware: If you turned 70½ last year and did not take your RMD in
2013, you face the April 1st deadline in 2014. For each subsequent
year, you must take your RMD by Dec. 31st. There's one more
exception. If you're still working after reaching age 70 ½, and you don't own
over 5% of the business that employs you, the tax law allows you to postpone
taking any required minimum withdrawals from that employer's plans until after
you've retired.
ing out your first RMD until as late as April 1
In today’s highly complex and rapidly changing world,
investors are faced with an incredible array of investment choices. Many
financial advisors are happy to help you invest your hard-earned dollars, but
that is only one part of achieving your overall financial goals. Some advisors
are not well versed in certain critical areas or do not have access to other
professionals that may coordinate those areas for them. Even if a financial
professional can assist in those areas, there may be a limited incentive to do
so because their relationship with their clients may be solely based upon
commissions and limited in other services, such as tax reduction strategies.
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